Course Curriculum

    1. About This Course

    1. Introduction

    2. Read: This_is_Ohio

    3. Learn By Doing: Democracy In Action

    4. Strategies To Try: Famous Americans on the Civics Test

    1. Introduction

    2. Read: Founding Documents

    3. Learn By Doing: What is a Good Citizen?

    1. Introduction

    2. Read: The Legislature

    3. Learn By Doing: Branches of Ohio Government

    1. Introduction

    2. Read: The Judiciary

    3. Learn By Doing: Branches of Ohio Government

    1. The Executive

    2. Read: The Executive Elected Officials

    3. Learn By Doing: Hosting a Presidential Debate

    4. Learn By Doing: Contact Your Representative

About this course

  • Free
  • 68 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content